Χρειάστηκε να μείνει στο νοσοκομείο 40 ολόκληρες ημέρες, χάρι στη φροντίδα γιατρών και νοσηλευτών όμως κατάφερε να ξανακερδίσει την υγεία του. Μάχη με τον ιό χρειάστηκε να δώσει και η σύζυγός του. Ο λόγος για τον 85χρονο Νίκο Βαγγέλογλου, έναν από τους τελευταίους ασθενείς με covid-19, που πήρε εξιτήριο από το νοσοκομείο Αλεξανδρούπολης.
Tears of joy and applause for an 85-year-old man who defeated the mocker – Good News
He had to stay in the hospital for 40 full days as he contracted the coronavirus. Thanks to the care of doctors and nurses, however, he managed to regain his health.
The reason for the 85-year-old Nikos Vanggeloglou, one of the last patients with covid-19, who was discharged from the Alexandroupolis hospital.
In fact, the release was given to Mr. Nikos on the day of the 60th wedding anniversary with his wife, who also fell ill and came out the winner.
OPEN’s camera captured the moving moments with doctors and nurses bursting into applause.